Frequently Asked


Housing FAQ

Quickly find answers on how to search for an affordable apartment, rental subsidies, and addressing issues that make it hard to find housing.

Housing Resource Center

Emergency Shelter

Information on how to access New York City’s domestic violence emergency shelters and general homeless system shelters.

Affordable Apartments

Tips on how to find an affordable apartment including how to search online, preparing for an interview with a landlord, and addressing bad credit.

Housing Transfer

Information on how to transfer to a safe apartment while keeping housing assistance. Includes information on NYCHA housing transfers, Section 8, FEPS and LINC.

Eviction Prevention

Tenants do not need to vacate their apartments just because the landlord asks them to or because they receive notice of a court date. Sources of free help include Homebase grants and anti-eviction legal services.

NYCHA Housing

An overview of New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) housing including subsidy/rent levels, eligibility requirements, and the application process with specialized information for victims of domestic violence.

Common Obstacles

Addresses obstacles to accessing housing faced by undocumented individuals, older adults and individuals with a disability as well as individuals who have a criminal background, have rental arrears or are facing eviction.

Resources and Links

Other organizations that can provide assistance regarding barriers to finding or maintaining an apartment.

Rental Subsidies

New Destiny does not administer these programs. Contact the appropriate agency listed in the descriptions to apply. Click on the links to learn more about eligibility requirements and how to apply.


Launched in 2018, CityFHEPS consolidates several existing programs: CityFEPS, SEPS, and LINC 1, 2, 4 and 5.

Pathway Home

This program enables families and individuals to move out of shelter by moving in with friends or family members. Eligible families or individuals must have resided in shelter for at least 90 days.

ACS Housing Subsidy

The Housing Subsidy Program is administered by the Administration for Children’s Services. 

NYCHA Section 8

Section 8 is a federal rent subsidy program that provides vouchers to households and helps them bridge the gap between their incomes and rents.

Family Homelessness & Eviction Prevention Supplement

The FHEPS is a housing supplement to help prevent evictions and provides rental support to families for up to five years.

Other Section 8 Programs

Section 8 funding comes from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).