New Destiny Reports

Reports and Stats

Evaluation of New Destiny Housing Corporation’s Family Support Program: Final Report

A 2020-21 independent evaluation of the program by researchers from Simmons University School of Social Work, led by Kristie A. Thomas, PhD, found that our affordable, permanent housing combined with specially tailored services provides housing stability and a foundation that allows survivors to progress in other areas of their lives.

Prioritizing Homeless Children and Their Families

Nearly 70% of the people in the City’s shelter system are children and their families, many of whom had been in the shelter system for over a year. These numbers and the research on the impact that homelessness has on children, led Citizens’ Committee for Children (CCC), Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise), and New Destiny Housing (New Destiny) to convene the Family Homelessness Task Force (FHTF). The FHTF is a group of stakeholders from over 40 organizations which came together to call more attention to the needs of homeless children and their families and to develop and advance recommendations to prevent and end family homelessness, while ensuring the well-being of families living in shelter.

Out in the Cold: Housing Cuts Leave DV Survivors with No Place to Go

New York City’s domestic violence victims often use temporary shelters in their attempts to escape abuse and ensure their children’s safety. But, what happens to them at the end of their stay? Out in the Cold, a report prepared by New Destiny Housing Corporation, examines the ability of domestic violence shelter residents to obtain permanent housing, and how the elimination of the Advantage subsidy program has put them at serious risk for homelessness and continued violence.

Closing Doors: Eroding Housing Options, Dangerous Outcomes

The report compared a three-month period—October through December—in 2009 and 2010 to see the impact of declining subsidy options for domestic violence (DV) survivors using shelter. The report examines how the changes in New York City’s homeless re-housing policy implemented in Fall 2010, in combination with a time limited length of stay in DV shelters, affected the ability of DV shelter residents to achieve housing permanency after leaving shelter. The study findings show that the reduction of housing subsidy options and the almost complete reliance upon employment as the path to housing stability resulted in a larger number of DV shelter residents leaving without permanent housing or with unstable and unsafe housing. Only 11% of emergency shelter residents were able to obtain permanent housing by then end of their shelter stays.

Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter Outcomes since the Elimination of Advantage: Key Findings

The report highlights the impact of the City’s elimination of the Advantage rental assistance program in March 2011 on the housing outcomes of domestic violence emergency shelter residents. New Destiny found that there was an increase in the number of residents leaving shelter for less stable housing and unknown destinations.